Friday, April 29, 2011

March (I mean April) 29, 2011: Aptly Time To Bitch

Here is my latest update on Spring Work in eastern Washington:

Maybe we are in Fall Work instead of Spring Work - which I've already told you are capitalized in our neck of the woods. It is April 29th, although it feels more like March. It has snowed all morning, it is freezing cold, and the wind is blowing like crazy. I had to put another bag of pellet's in a stove that is normally clean and hibernating this time of year. I had to turn the heat lamp back on for the outside cat, and on top of that our new piglets have runny noses.

Additionally, the boys and I are supposed to be getting ready for Bloomsday, but the thought of training down my dirt road (or as I'm calling it today, my mud hole) in this weather is absurd and just begging for pneumonia. Therefore, this morning, after bracing my face against the wind for the past week just to make a feeble attempt to stretch my legs before Bloomsday, I instead made myself a large banana waffle and loaded it down with butter and maple syrup. I poured a large mug of steaming hot coffee and I sulked all the way to my cubby hole to write instead of run.

Until tomorrow's update~

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